Generating awareness about transgender children through communication, teaching equality and compassion!

Friday, March 1, 2013

We should send a letter

The idea is growing about how to further manage this blog and what kind of things to include, as well as where to get the information and how to deliver it. The media has been dizzy with the 6 year old transgender girl from Colorado who was denied access to the girl’s bathroom against Colorado law. Our initial posts were somewhat lengthy, and some have been in more of a micro-blog style, but the information is available. What is difficult is getting it all in one place.
While that aspect is being determined, another idea can be executed. Recently an idea to build the compassion awareness blog came about. Rather than sharing information from the past or sitting around and waiting for a huge organization to reach out and help the LGBT community, we should draft a letter and create a letter mailing campaign. Hopefully with some help, we can write a letter and post it here, along with business names and their mailing addresses of major corporations. Then, when (if) they act on our request(s) they can be featured on our blog in great detail. That would be some excellent PR for any business. The question is...what is it that we need/want them to do, and how do we ask? Let us know in the comments below.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


The blog topic this morning was going to be about the young trans couple depicted in Greys Anatomy a couple of weeks ago, but the story about Coy has gone viral.

It's being translated into different languages now and they were on CNN and Canada AM this morning. Brave, just brave!

Here is the FULL story from a paper in their home town.